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Welcome. RelevancyRank is here to do one thing and one thing well - help you write relevant content.

Everyone knows how important it is to have good, strong content – but how do you know if your content is good enough? How do you know if it is thorough, exhaustive, and on-topic? RelevancyRank gives you a simple score to make writing relevant content faster and easier than ever.

Experimentally Proven

Everyone knows you need good, thorough content for better SEO, but how do you know what you have written is relevant in the eyes of a search engine? RelevancyRank makes it simple by applying a proprietary model of the English language to real-time relevancy data supplied by search engines.

  • Real-Time Targeting
  • Simple relevancy scores
  • Keyword Recommendations

Every piece of content should be optimized with RelevancyRank. Every. Piece.

The only tool that has been experimentally proven to increase organic traffic by helping you write better.